CentOS AWS AMI Cloud Images

On this page:

CentOS Amazon AMI images

Here is the list of current/up2date AMI images IDs that we made public.

So far we build/update/maintain the following CentOS variants and architectures:

You can search for architecture or region through search bar.

Please note that you can also directly use then the “Deploy Link” function to deploy in specific region, one click away.

Version Region Architecture AMI ID Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-2 x86_64 ami-0ab8744dca8137bde Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-1 x86_64 ami-00543d76373f96fe7 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-1 x86_64 ami-04bdbbe85ee49bfa4 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-2 x86_64 ami-0f2058e5300317758 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 af-south-1 x86_64 ami-08098e0f3576e4a5b Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-east-1 x86_64 ami-053c7215ee0315735 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-south-1 x86_64 ami-0c90942fd0daf9bc5 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-1 x86_64 ami-0448a132eb2ded7b8 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-2 x86_64 ami-006b0b933762bbcef Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-1 x86_64 ami-084952bed7e34d3de Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-2 x86_64 ami-071e2a45ff7eda67a Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ca-central-1 x86_64 ami-059972b88fabb1811 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-central-1 x86_64 ami-0022e2e80fa74c5d7 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-1 x86_64 ami-05145bc4cc62a2a9a Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-2 x86_64 ami-0ad9754b60e77a766 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-3 x86_64 ami-03756f8c316f89afb Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-south-1 x86_64 ami-050515e83b5887c23 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-north-1 x86_64 ami-0356765f5ba4892f5 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 il-central-1 x86_64 ami-0b72974188c516a3f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 me-south-1 x86_64 ami-09f2ee1ca942a02ca Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 sa-east-1 x86_64 ami-006c2c053c07213b2 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-2 aarch64 ami-09a1d06a0edaa6623 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-1 aarch64 ami-0ca5fcdc0f820f8c3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-1 aarch64 ami-0f74974f276a8dcd3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-2 aarch64 ami-01a4fbacd30e32162 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 af-south-1 aarch64 ami-0b33a50183defd47f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-east-1 aarch64 ami-0d1b451e301425ec9 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-south-1 aarch64 ami-040714846b34a0982 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-1 aarch64 ami-02a38f09b9d02fc2f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-2 aarch64 ami-04219a37d79207d41 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-1 aarch64 ami-01248b790873aa9ce Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-2 aarch64 ami-0213a501644d2c78d Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ca-central-1 aarch64 ami-0246a7e864cedd7ab Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-central-1 aarch64 ami-017299323dfff257b Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-1 aarch64 ami-07892276bdc1f9ddb Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-2 aarch64 ami-0a362fc514896ed44 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-3 aarch64 ami-02785d56ba6b9de05 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-south-1 aarch64 ami-057c67a51ee1817ec Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-north-1 aarch64 ami-03a3afbffaa93cbd3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 il-central-1 aarch64 ami-0c56b4ff892389854 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 me-south-1 aarch64 ami-08bde6b409622cc64 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 sa-east-1 aarch64 ami-050df1bb731acd1ed Deploy link