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Bluetooth dongle masters, please help me

Posted: 2021/04/23 05:37:55
by pcg6354
Hello, I'm using CentOS 6.10 in my company.
I want to use Bluetooth dongle on my computer, but my computer can't recognize it.
When I put a Bluetooth dongle on my computer, it looks like that in the picture, but when I check it with the dmesg command, it doesn't seem to recognize it.
Due to our company's situation, external commands such as sudo and yum are not available.
Is there any other way besides sudo?
My computer seems to have Bluetooth ., applet , properties , sendto , wizard , bluetoothd installed.
However, when Bluetooth Wizard is launched, the device cannot be found.
The masters, help me. I beg you.

Re: Bluetooth dongle masters, please help me

Posted: 2021/04/23 07:20:02
by TrevorH
You need to be getting off CentOS 6 completely. It went End of Life last November and there will be no more updates for it, ever. It already has unfixed high severity security vulnerabilities that allow anyone to gain root access. It's not safe to use.