Why is it that there are no Hardware Compatibility Lists for Centos?

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Why is it that there are no Hardware Compatibility Lists for Centos?

Post by PhatStudent » 2017/05/27 22:15:07

Centos has been around for a really really long time! Why is it that there are no hardware compatibility lists maintained for it?

What would this look like?

For Example:

Centos 6:

List of network cards tested and certified to work under Centos 6
List of graphic cards tested and certified to work under Centos 6
List of motherboards tested and certified to work under Centos 6

I have been searching for a hardware compatibility list and I can't find one. If there is one where is it?

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Re: Why is it that there are no Hardware Compatibility Lists for Centos?

Post by TrevorH » 2017/05/27 23:11:56

Well mostly because CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL so if things are listed with RHEL compatibility then they should also work for CentOS too. There did used to be a RH HCL web page but I'm not sure it still exists.
The future appears to be RHEL or Debian. I think I'm going Debian.
Info for USB installs on http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/InstallFromUSBkey
CentOS 5 and 6 are deadest, do not use them.
Use the FAQ Luke

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