Firewalld takes minutes to fully load and uses > 100 MB RAM

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Firewalld takes minutes to fully load and uses > 100 MB RAM

Post by moneytoo » 2014/08/03 22:25:25

I'm hobbyist running CentOS 6.5 on 1 GB RAM VPS where I have my mailserver, jabber, groupware and some other web services. I already know about systemd from Arch Linux so I'm working on scripts so I can deploy my setup on CentOS 7. I'm testing it in VMware Workstation on my desktop also with 1 GB RAM and total 2 processor cores (from i7 3770k).

I want to use the current tools and avoid obsolete methods (and mostly learn new stuff) so I migrated my iptables configuration to Firewalld. With iptables I use something like

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-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22,80,143,443,587,993,4190,5222 -s -j ACCEPT
to limit some services only for my country (Czech Republic) as there's no need for me to waste bandwidth thanks to various bots. Other services (SMTP, XMPP S2S) are open from everywhere.
In the end iptables is set to allow access from 1100 various ipv4 and ip6 ranges in total.

1) I tried generating Firewalld config using following line in script

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firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=ssh accept" 
running in loop in a script but after waiting few minutes it became painfully slow (single firewall-cmd took something around one second to finish).

So I had to write a script creating the actual xml (/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml) which finished within few seconds (public.xml is now 1.5 MB large - comparing to 150 kB iptables config).

2) When I started firewalld service it took several minutes (5 or 10) until I could finally establish new connection. The whole time top showed 49% sy (so I suppose full usage of single core).

3) When cpu setteled, the memory usage reported by top still showed more than 10% (of 1 GB RAM).

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61972 root      20   0  411692 105252   6248 S   0.0 10.4   0:25.70 firewalld
My thoughts:
  • Ok, I can still use iptables but I would expect Firewalld to be equally good or better (in terms of performance). It uses too much cpu power and memory.
  • Am I even using it right? Or is there other tool I should use instead?
EDIT: Got an answer in firewalld mailing list ... 00209.html

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