Basic Networking Configuration for CentOS VM.

Issues related to configuring your network
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Basic Networking Configuration for CentOS VM.

Post by EranNetzerel » 2015/08/17 21:24:37

I've just created a new CentOS VM, but i don't have internet access.
I watched at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-etho0 and i saw the value is "YES" for NM_CONTROLLED so i thought my networking is managed automatically by the network manager,
but i couldnt find that daemon on my server.
I typed : rpm -qa NetworkManager and there were no results so i guess i dont have this package installed.

when i type "ifconfig" i can see my eth0, but when i type "ifup eth0" it says "activation failed: Device not managed by NetworkManager or unavailable"

What should i do and what do people usually do with Vm's ?
Should i edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file and put static networking configuration?
and if thats what i should do. can you please guide me through this? how can i know whats my IP address or netmask etc...

Thanks a lot guys :)

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